Summer’s reached its end, but the Gasm season is still in full swing

Sep 19, 2023

The origins of Gasm – the ultimate ‘pop and go’ Champagne style cocktail

As many of you will know, our name and our inspiration came from the ‘sloe gasm’, a glorious concoction of Champagne and sloe gin that’s enjoyed throughout the country on shooting trips. As delicious as this fruit gin Champagne cocktail is, its issue for us was the need to carry around two bottles and attempt to make the perfect fruit gin cocktail while on the hoof. It’s also fair to say that some ‘mixologists’ on shooting trips were considerably better than others! 

Making the best Champagne-style cocktail money can buy

Inspired and determined, we set out to create a perfectly blended fruit gin fizz cocktail that could be enjoyed at the pop of a cork and be intensely pleasurable every single time. It took a while (and the input of a world-renowned sommelier), but we got there in the end. Gasm was born and, if our recent Great Taste Awards and happy customers throughout the country are anything to go by, our time was well spent. Why not purchase flavoured Prosecco online and see for yourself? You can buy Gasm, a glorious blend of British fruit gin and sparkling wine from the Veneto region, directly from us here.

The Welsh Game Fair

You can understand, then, why game is and will always be very close to our hearts (we’ve written about this in our recent blog). We’re also hugely proud to be a Welsh business. So The Welsh Game Fair is about as ‘on brand’ an event as it’s possible to get. We absolutely adore going every year and we definitely ‘feel the love’ from our fellow compatriots and outdoor pursuit enthusiasts. You can see how we got on over on our Instagram page, which is well worth a follow if you don’t already. It was a wonderful event, and we were delighted by the support. We’ll be back next year as sure as night follows day!

The Rugby World Cup

We’re big fans of lots of sports, but nothing quite gets our juices flowing like the Rugby World Cup, as it’s a chance for our home nations to show what they can do on the biggest stage. There are no prizes for guessing that we’ll be roaring on The Red Dragons at the tournament, and Wales have got off to a terrific start with wins over Portugal and Fiji. Arguably their biggest test, however, is yet to come: Australia awaits on Sunday 24th September. Now, while Australia did slip up in their latest match, that shouldn’t be taken as a sign that they’ll be a push over. There are two things to bear in mind about wallabies: they’re dangerous when wounded and incapable of taking a backward step. The same applies to the rugby-playing namesakes, so get the drinks ready, buy flavoured Prosecco online and strap in for a thrilling game. Come on Wales!

Preparing for winter and offspring leaving the nest

Mid-September is a poignant time. We slowly wave goodbye to long days and summer skies while we prepare for winter, and many of us have to bid farewell to our children as they depart for university. If our own experience is anything to go by—our youngest, Lottie, has just flown the nest—it’s a time that, while filling you with pride, is also gut-wrenching in its own way. It is of course a huge privilege to watch your children grow up, but nothing quite prepares you for an empty nest. Our thoughts aren’t just with the parents of course. It’s important to bear in mind that for many of the young people it’s their first time truly away from home, which does bring its own challenges.  

A fizz cocktail based solution

If you’re missing them terribly (and vice versa, although they’ll never admit it) and feel a bit powerless, we do have a tip. Why not surprise them with a home delivery? It’s very easy to order online from a supermarket, and a delivery of food and goodies will remind them of your existence while giving them and their friends a welcome boost. You could even go a step further. Why not change your usual delivery address when you buy flavoured Prosecco online and get them something they’ll absolutely love, and which their friends won’t have tried? Imagine bringing out a bottle of fruit gin Champagne style cocktail at a student house party?! A bottle or two of Gasm will get the party swinging like nothing else and, let’s face it, there’s nothing ‘intensely pleasurable’ about the booze at most student parties… 

What’s next aboard the Gasm express

Our exhibition schedule is letting up a bit now so, before it all gets frantic again in the run up to Christmas and New Year’s Eve, we’ve decided to ramp up our online presence with a shiny new website. This ought to do wonders for our digital marketing efforts, so we’re looking forward to seeing you all there. In our next blog, we’ll be following the rugby and getting excited about the Ryder Cup, as well as coming up with some ideas for a ghoulishly happy Halloween. 

Stay tuned. 


Family Gasm x